Ice Ball Maker
Perfect for Whiskey, Highball, Cocktail and Hurricane Glasses, Adds a touch of class to Bourbon and Scotch drinks; Great for Iced Coffee and for long lasting iced Tea; Ideal for kids’ popsicles or ice lollies; Elegant for Punch Bowls; Fill ice ball mold with fruit to enhance any beverage or to make your own Fruit Infusing Water Bottle
Dine Away Lunchbox
The Dine Away is a lunch box concept that allows you to pack in food and carry it to your comfort place to dine in peace. It’s got everything planned, right from the flatware to the mats. I know some of you could really do with this compact box.
The Smeg Portable Freezer Makes Alfresco Eating Cool
The wicker picnic basket is a delightful summertime icon, but practically speaking, something like the Smeg Portable Freezer is much better suited for the job. Think of the champagne, the white wine and the smoked salmon sandwiches that need chilling and protection from the season’s heat, as this invention encourages extra class for your plain air eating.
Picnic Tray Pants
Remember MC Hammer’s pants? As much of a fashion disaster as it was, turns out it could have been ideal for wearing at picnics. Because that extra-generous crotch area seemed to have been the inspiration behind these Pic Nic Pants.