Most experts agree that getting the temperature right in bed at night is one of the biggest factors to getting a sound night’s sleep and despite notions of warm cozy sheets and bed covers, our biology means that to fall asleep, we need to cool down.
Studies have shown that this rapid decline in core body temperature increases the likelihood of falling asleep and can also help to promote deeper sleep throughout the night.
What’s the alternative to air conditioners or fans at night?
Air conditioning (AC) units are very effective at cooling down your bedroom, but many people don’t like to sleep with the AC on because it creates a dry, uncomfortable environment to breathe in.
Room fans can be useful for circulating air, but they’re noisy and often end up just circulating warm air round the room.
Fortunately, however there are many different ways that you can tackle the problem of hot nights in bed.
Solutions range from hi-tech bed air conditioner systems, or smart water-cooling systems like the ChiliPad and Moona to simpler, more affordable options that introduce fabrics and materials that improve the cooling properties of your bed and mattress.
A less hi-tech solution (and cheaper) alternative solution than the Bedjet or water-cooled systems is a bed fan, essentially . There are a few different models available, but the basic functionality is the same. Bed fans sit at the foot or the side of the bed and circulate air under your sheets to reduce the build up of heat and moisture in your bed. Rather than supply cold air, they rely merely on air circulation to provide a cooling effect.
Finally you also have the option for going with a Cooling Mattress Pads, Toppers and Pillows.