From the CEO
After nearly nine weeks of enforced working from home during the covid 19 emergency lock down. Firstly, I want to reflect on how I have found the experience of working from home and secondly, how the Telitec staff have pulled together as a team, coped with working apart.
Lets face it, this was not and still isn’t “ normal circumstances “ so the slant and perspective is slightly different.
Working from Home
Having worked from home before, this experience is not wholly a new concept to me. However, for some of the staff this was a whole new ball game and faced many challenges.
Working at home can be empowering. For me, it is that I have the time to research new projects without constant interruptions, but also embracing the eureka moments. Where as before. working in the office, I may have been dragged into another office scenario.
Many of the staff with kids and obviously not been at school during this period, developed timesheets to accommodate home schooling or play. Working this around a schedule which was extremely difficult to begin with, but somehow they managed, not only completed their work but found the flexibility, if possible, something that they would chose to continue with.

The Staff
Most found they were actually far more productive and could complete their work quicker, than had they been sat in an office (interesting!!)
So imagine this was not an enforced work from home situation but a choice?
Covid 19 was not paramount and that during your work from home day, you could pick up the kids from school, you could take your dog for a walk, you could meet up with friends and family to socialize and still get everything done that you need to do for your job.

Connected, while apart
Video Confrence calls, help you stay connected.
You help the environment without even trying by not making that commute to work.
Employers could cut down on rent, by downsizing office space or actually doing without, electric bills, water bills etc a thing of the past.
The technology is there to make this all very possible so wouldn’t it be remiss to not consider this moving forward and out of this unprecedented time?
The government has recently set up work from home incentives to encourage us to reconsider our next move.
They are offering 40% towards any projects from companies to embrace this change, simply follow the link below.
Yes, as an employer you may need to invest in updating and fine tuning but in the long run you will have a more productive, happy team and save costs.
We at Telitec are certainly considering this long-term for some of our departments. We have the experience to take advantage and tweak the technology to suits our needs. Could we help you, as a business to do the same? Call us now on 965 743 473 or click this link to find out more.