First of all you need to have your Google Home set up to Make Phone calls via Google Mini.
What you need to do first on your Google Mini
Your phone contacts need to be sync´d in your google home app, To do this you need to turn on personal assistant. Plus make sure your Google mini is working on the latest updates.

Personal Assistant Set Up
- On your Android phone or tablet, touch and hold the Home button or say “OK Google.”
- At the bottom right, tap
- At the top right, tap your Profile picture or initial
- Under “Assistant devices,” select your device.
- Under “Personalization,” turn Personal results on or off.
Make sure your Smartphone or Tablet are connecting to the same Network as your Google Mini.
From the Google Home app, make sure you are using the correct google account (yours). Once the correct Google Account is listed, tap Menu in the upper-left corner of the app Home screen.
Go into more settings and tap and under Devices, choose the Google Home you want to connect to. For example Office or lounge.
Find and tap the section labeled Adjust settings for this device. Then simply turn on the personal settings.
If you want to connect to more than one of the Google Mini´s, then just repeat the above.
Sync your contacts
Via the Google app on your mobile phone, tap Manage your Google Account. Then at the bottom of that page you will need to tap on People and Sharing and you want Contact info from your devices. This may take a few moments as they sync.
Phone Calls via Google Mini
OK Google! Call Mum.
You can call the business name, by the contact name in your contact list, or by a number.
If you are looking for a business number not in your Contacts, ask for the nearest business and then say “Call them.”
To end the call say ¨Hey Google¨, stop/disconnect/end call/hang up.” Even if the recipient ends the call, you will hear the end call tone until you also end the call.
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