Make your Home, Smarter. Most of us possible now have either the Google Mini´s or Alexa. But are you using it to the full potential or simply don´t know what or where to start?
You already have made a start with a Speaker! (Google Mini / Alexa) You can then add on to this with other speakers in other rooms or maybe a portable speaker would suit you more and can then also be used outside.

Smart bulbs
A Smart bulb is able to connect to the internet and allows you to customise, control remotely and create schedules.
Some Smart bulbs now come with built-in cameras, speakers and even presence-sensing capability.
Do your home work and research to find the right one for you. Check that the software is up-to-date and for any known vulnerabilities.

Smart Alarm
Be in control of your home, connecting with your smart plug on the coffee maker, activate lights, heating and all before you even get out of bed.
Start your day in the Smart way. Weather and Traffic reports, Appointments in your dairy or your favourite music.
Finish your day with an Audiobook or Podcast.
Set up your Routines and take control with only your voice. For more info Click Here.

Smart Frame
Make your Home, Smarter with a Smart Frame. Have all your favorite photos on the wall in just one frame.
Just a few simple ways to enhance your home and once you start, you cannot stop! If you can think of it, then ¨Hey Google¨ and Alexa can do it. (Well almost, they cannot load the washing machine but they can turn them on!)
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