What are Podcasts, basicly Talk Radio. You can listen on-demand, when you want and are free.
They are your favourite blogs, topic´s and shows that you can download and listen to. You will also discover more that you didn´t reaslise you liked!
A Podcast can be made by many, companies, individuals, TV networks, comedians or even story tellers.
They can also be broken down in to series and episodes, with weekly updates.

Great Listening
Podcasts are great for listing to in the car, at the gym, when you are cleaning or even when you walking the dog and sun bathing.
Podcasts can be really simple, a group of friends discussing something that really interests them or alternative could be an investigation or the facts about quantum physics.
How to get started
So, first you need to download a podcast app, simply go to your Play Store or Apple Store and search Podcast. Andriod user´s will most like have the google Podcast already.
Next you will need some headphones. You need to be able to connect them to the device via cable or bluetooth. With so many on the market, do your research and get the right ones for you.
Don´t forget, you can also use a Bluetooth speaker or with your Laptop.
The final step is to search for what you are interested in, learn Spanish, crime or gardening plus much more. Alternative, do a google search for podcasts and see what is out there!
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