Brief description:
We have 2 charity shops with all volunteer staff, they are in Oliva and La Font. We also currently have rastro stalls in both the Ontinyent and Novetlé rastros, Our main aims are: Working for the protection and re-homing of lost or abandoned animals and sterilization of feral cats within our area of operation.
All P.E.P.A. dogs and puppies are placed in foster homes where they receive TLC and any necessary veterinary care. All our dogs are fully vaccinated, micro-chipped, pass-ported sterilised and laboratory blood –tested. Our dogs and pups remain in foster care until a fully home checked “family” is considered for adoption.
Next event / news:
We issue a monthly free newsletter giving details of our activites and news. If you would like to receive our newsletters by email please email: p.e.p.a.animalcharity@gmail.com
PEPA www.pepaspain.com is a registered non profit charity. We need people to help us by joining our teaming group. We need teamers if we are to continue to help more dogs. We took on 34 new dogs since teaming started at the end of August. There are many more that need saving every day and dogs in the Perrera that we need to help. Please join us today and become a teamer. It’s just 1€ a month. To join teaming please click on the link https://www.teaming.net/group/spread/widgets/kAyqsnDTETM9If7ok0dfS2ZaiNcn24uXRvG155bI1iKFwk/6?lang=en_UK&TM=true